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  • ice cream cone block
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October 17, 2020
more yellow sunshine from Making A Lather

If it were not for the yellow in my rainbow scrap challenge blocks, there would be no sunshine in Indiana these days. We have had dreary dark days already. with a twinge of cold. Hubby had to clean out the garden with the threat of frost.  I have had a cold. How do you catch a cold in this sterile world these days.?

I am moving along on my blocks for October. It's hard to think, we are almost done with the challenge for 2020. I have a small basket of ufos to work on for next year. Most ...

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September 8, 2020
to do: more ice cream from Making A Lather

I mentioned here, that after experimenting with how I wanted to make these ice cream cones, that, I had started making them in rainbow colors. Today, I have blueberry.

Our Tuesday quilt group met last week in one of of our members' new home. It was the first chance we have had to see it since they moved. We were very interested in her sewing room. 

It is very different than mine. I tend to decorate with tiny annoying pieces of scraps that fall out of the sky, when my back is turned. I carpet with boxes and bags of ...

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September 4, 2020
ice cream for quilters from Making A Lather

I bought this pattern in May to use for the rainbow scrap challenge. I was sure I could make it easier using die cuts. The die I have for the cone, makes a fatter base.

I didn't like any of my first attempts. I think I like them better with fatter ice cream bottoms, and, that Is what I have decided I will do. I have lime sherbet.

strawberry cream

grape sherbet

This month, I hope to make cherry ice cream.

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May 30, 2020
tiny pieces from Making A Lather

I finished 4 tiny wonky stars in green for the rainbow scrap challenge this month. The top left square is a study in a senior moment. As I am webbing the block together in 9 patch style, I get to the bottom right, and, I can't find the last 2 inch white square I need. I look around, knowing I cut 8 squares before I started. where did it go? I cut another one. It wasn't until I pressed the block, that I realized I had used it in the center instead of a green square. LOL

I ...

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  • ice cream cone block
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